Bolinhas de Cocoa(Goanese Cookies). Aproveite Hoje Mesmo as Promoções que o Pinguim Preparou Para Você Aqui no Pontofrio! Estas bolinhas são um porto seguro quando se tem convidados ou em dias de festas. Perfeito para acompanhar o café no final da refeição ou como uma opção pré treino. Faça bolinhas de cockie's e coloque em uma forma com papel manteiga ou untada com óleo,. Sim, faz com outro cocoa! É importante o cacao em vez de achocolatado, fica melhor!
Ver mais Barras de amendoijo de chocolate com amendoim.
Bolas de rum de amêndoa de amêndoas de Kelli.
Avalie esta receita Eu gosto disso.
You can have Bolinhas de Cocoa(Goanese Cookies) using 8 ingredients and 21 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Bolinhas de Cocoa(Goanese Cookies)
- You need 2 cup of freshly grated Coconut/dessicated Coconut.
- You need 1 &1/2 cup of Semolina.
- Prepare 1 &1/4th cup of granulated Sugar.
- You need 3/4 th cup of Water.
- You need 2 tablespoons of Ghee/unsalted Butter.
- Prepare 2 of large Eggs.
- You need 1/2 teaspoon of Cardamom powder/1 teaspoon Vanilla essence.
- You need 1 pinch of Salt.
Eu sou um fã, eu recomendaria. Outro dia estava procurando fotos de chocolate quente e me deparei com uma imagem incrível de um cookie de chocolate quente. Claro que fui bisbilhotar no Google e encontrei a receita no Pip & Ebby. Instruções: Coloque todos os ingredientes em um processador e bata até textura estar homogênea.
Bolinhas de Cocoa(Goanese Cookies) instructions
- Take dessicated coconut in a bowl and soak with water.If you are using fresh coconut skip the step..
- Heat a pan and add in semolina. Dry roast in medium heat until a roasted flavour emits and semolina becomes free flawing. Note that the colour of semolina shouldn't change..
- Transfer to a dish..
- In the same pan take water and sugar..
- Place it on medium heat and keep stirring until the sugar dissolves completely. Once the sugar has dissolved, keep stirring the solution and let it cook for about 2 minutes. Turn off the heat. Note that the mixture should be light syrup. Add in 1 lunch of salt and cardamom powder to the mixture. As I personally don't like cardamom flavour in cookies, I added 1 teaspoon vanilla essence..
- Now add in roasted semolina, soaked coconut and ghee to the sugar mixture. Switch on the flame, stir the mixture well to incorporate everything well..
- Continue to stir and cook for 2-3 minutes ot until the mixture forms a thick lump..
- Let the mixture cool completely and then transfer to a container. Cover and keep in the refrigerator for about 8 hours or overnight..
- Next day or after 8 hour take out the mixture from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature..
- Break eggs in a bowl and whisk them until really fluffy..
- Pour this whisked egg to the coconut semolina mixture..
- With your hand mix well to incorporate the egg to the mixture. Now the cookie mixture will be little sticky and moist..
- Keep the mixture again in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes to become little hard to handle..
- After 20 minutes take out the dough from the refrigerator..
- Preheat oven at 180 degree C for 10 minutes..
- Take lime size portion of the dough, roll with your palm and slightly press to give a cookie shape..
- Place it on a lined baking tray. Similarly shape all the cookies and place them in the baking tray. Keep some gap between the cookies..
- Decorate the top by marking criss-crosses with a table knife..
- Bake the cookies for about 25 minutes in the middle rack of the oven. The cookies should be golden brown in colour and little crisp from outside..
- Take out the tray from the oven, keep aside for 5 minutes to cool and then transfer to a dish. I baked 2 batches of these delicious Goanese Cookies..
- When they cool down completely keep them in airtight container. They are perfect snack with a cup of tea or coffee..
Com ajuda de duas colheres forme pequenas bolinhas e coloque no papel manteiga. Mas estas Bolinhas de Grão e Cenoura foram um suceso. Óptimas para levar na marmita, para quem pratica BLW e Finger Food. Variety has to be part of our menu. I don't like to do always the same, I like to present different flavors, colors and textures to my little ones. Compartilhe com a gente o resultado da sua receita de cookies com gotas de chocolate.